Um, I'm usually not a New Year's Resolution "person." I mean, I think just about everyone has the desire to change things in their lives, and I am not immune to that, persay, but I don't see the reason to wait until the 365th day of the year to decide to change.
But I have two this year that I will document right here on Cheeky Debutantes:
1) Do/learn something new every month, affectionately known as the New Challenge.
2) Be healthier.
Re: 1) It is easy to get in a rut here in Chicago. Most of my friends from high school and college live in the area, and basically, everyone seems to go to the same 5 bars. All the time. Every weekend. Coupled with my AD program, and it's a recipe to get into a rut. So it changes in 2010. It's not that I'm not meeting new people or that I don't enjoy hanging out with my friends at the same old places, because I am and I do. It's just I don't want my mind to turn to mush, or just an art direction machine. I will document each experience here and expect you to hold me accountable for my "new-ness!"
Re: 2) I'm kind of an athlete. I say "kind of" because in the past three years, I have run two marathons, several half marathons, and gosh darn it, I am always down for a bike ride on good old Lake Shore Drive. However, since I was injured during my race in October, my fitness has been derailed. I've been feeling, um loose, in places that pretty much never have been. More than that though, with my schedule of night classes has resulted in 4:30 pm dinners and 10 pm "second dinners" when I get home. I think the sumo wrestlers follow the same strict diet plan. I need to eat more motherfucking vegetables and avoid the 7/11 slump of just picking up whatever cheap carb is convenient. Let's be honest though, anyone who knows Scarlett and I knows there's always room for an occasional cheese fries in any healthy diet.
Anyway, that means I am re-committing to my health, trying to work out regularly and eat some mo-fo veggies. Like 5 servings, everyday is the goal. So far, so good. To jumpstart my fitness, I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I've been a fan of The Biggest Loser for years, and last night's season premiere indicates that this will be a dramatic, fun season. Anyway, Jillian is the trainer on TBL, and as my future sister-in-law and my sister have both completed and raved about this DVD, I figured I'd give it a shot. It's supposed to be ridiculously hard, but I don't know how to weight-train and don't want to look like a complete ass-hat at my gym trying. Day 1 of Shred - begins now.